UOP Comics

Illustration from comic by Michelle Spadafore with image of cooks in a kitchen. Read comics for free.

Comics of all shapes and sizes. See what’s cooking.

Urban Ochre Press Comics – comic book publisher
Michelle Spadafore – writer, artist, letterer


Book 1 – The Sheeted Dead (collects #1-3)

#1 Harbingers

#2 Hurlyburly

#3 Horses of the Night

Bodies are turning up on the streets of San Francisco and Oscar’s new client thinks he knows the culprit – his shadow. Confronting the dark entity will take more than Oscar’s usual bad luck. He’ll need to enlist the help of a defrocked priest, a tarot card reader, an accountant, and a not always blind man. And that’s before a disco-mad ghost starts wreaking havoc on the underground music scene.

También en español – #1 Heraldos. Cambiar el idioma en la página del cómic.


Act I – The Dame Vanishes

Act II – The Dame Vanishes

Act III – The Dame Vanishes

Danger lurks in the dark alleys and fogbound streets of 1950s San Francisco. The neon nightclubs and red-light cabarets are frequented by queer horn players, mysterious lounge singers, and shady businessmen looking for revenge. Pine has been in this business long enough to be wary when a woman like that comes knocking on his door offering him an easy job. The dame vanished years ago, but now she’s back and everyone wants something from her. From Chinatown to the Black Cat Cafe, from Nob Hill to Mona’s 440 Club, Pine is just a step ahead. One false move and he’ll lose it all.


Vol I – The Gold Mountain

Lowe has a problem: the trail of bodies in his wake has finally grown too large to ignore. Sandre has a solution: a six shooter full of bullets, a handful of folks who owe him favors, and a trickster spirit. Once he sets his sights on a man, the end result is certain. Navigating a harsh western landscape of railroad barons and opium addicts, Sandre steadily approaches Lowe’s lair and his shadow precedes him.


The Gutter Online Comic Anthology – Bad Habits
The Gutter is for anyone interested in comics: seasoned cartoonists and casual doodlers, comics experts and new readers, and everyone in between. On a quarterly basis, the Gutter does an open call for a comics anthology and my comic was chosen for the current anthology. This comic was written based on interviews with my sister-in-law, Tam, and my partner, T, about their refugee story. It is the start of a series of short comics highlighting immigrant stories. 

NEW Printed Edition – March 2025
Collects The Sheeted Dead #1-3 

With cover art by Bizhan Khodabandeh.
Available on Etsy and at IngramSpark. 


Available scripts and script excerpts here.

Print comics and zines available on Etsy.

For other projects: https://www.amazon.com/author/michelle_spadafore

Open to comic book lettering projects and other collaborations. For inquiries click here

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